4 Ways to Improve Your Smile This Summer With Complete Dental Care
surfct • Jun 15, 2021

There is no denying it – we’re in the throes of summer now! And what better time is there to improve your smile than in the slow, long summer months. Chances are, like most of us, you are starting to plan those summer vacations, finally-allowed-to-again-events, gatherings with family and friends, and an entire bucket list of things to make us smile! 

Smiles are wonderful and spread so much happiness. They are involuntary reflexes to experiences we experience on our journey through this world. But for many – they are also sources of shame, embarrassment, and annoying little hurdles standing between us and our best, happiest life. 

At COMPLETE DENTAL CARE, this fact breaks our heart. We truly believe every single person on this earth deserves to experience complete, happy, and healthy smiles. So we’re doing our part. Here are our best tips on improving those smiles (and your confidence) this smile. 

Improve Your Smile With Dental Implants 

If you find yourself missing teeth, it can greatly affect your confidence in your smile. The summer is a time in which you want to show off your smile. You are going to be smiling for more pictures, smiling with your friends and family, and you don’t want to be self-conscious about any missing teeth. 

With DENTAL IMPLANTS, we can help correct the issue of missing teeth. We offer a variety of dental implant options. Whether you have one missing tooth, several missing teeth, or complete arches of teeth, dental implants can be a solution for you. 

The implants are surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. Unlike dentures that sit on top of the gum, the implants replace the missing tooth root and ensure that your dental restoration is stable. A period of healing is then often required to allow the bone to begin to bond with the dental implant. 

Implants not only restore the confidence you will have in your smile, but they will restore the function of your teeth. They function just like your normal teeth would. You will be able to eat, speak, and do all of the normal things you would normally do with your natural teeth. 

Dental Bridges To Restore Your Smile 

DENTAL BRIDGES are another great option for those who find themselves with one or more missing teeth. We don’t want our patient’s self-esteem affected by missing teeth. We want you to show off that smile this summer. 

Dental bridges are a fixed dental restoration, meaning it is non-removable. They are connected in place with two dental crowns to make sure that the bridge does not shift. Many of our patients may decide to go with a bridge to replace older dentures that they may no longer want.

Your dental bridges not only can make your teeth look amazingly bright and beautiful this summer, but they can also keep your remaining natural teeth from moving out of position. One of our top goals is always to keep your natural teeth in the best shape possible. 

Improve Your Smile with Dental Crowns 

If you have found yourself with a tooth that is damaged or decayed, you may need a DENTAL CROWN. When a tooth comes to that point, you may not feel confident in the look of that tooth and we completely understand. And that is why we are here to help.

Dental crowns are used commonly to protect a tooth after a root canal treatment but they can have many other cosmetic uses as well. Dental crowns can Improve a misshapen tooth, cover a dental implant, and overall enhance the beauty of your smile. If you find yourself with a damaged tooth, a dental crown could easily be an option to improve your smile.

In our office, we utilize the CEREC machine. This state-of-the-art piece of medical equipment seamlessly prints – yes prints- custom crowns in less time than it takes for the numbing agent to kick in. All chairside. The quality is unmatched and we are lucky, proud, and pleased to be able to offer this life-changing technology to ALL of our patients here at Complete Dental Care. 

Invisalign to Improve Your Smile This Summer 

Many of our patients find themselves wanting to straighten their smiles to improve their smiles. But dealing with traditional metal brackets and wires isn’t much of a confidence booster itself. So that is why we offer Invisalign for our patients.

INVISALIGN uses a series of custom-made, computer-generated plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. No matter if you are looking to treat crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gaps, or bite issues, Invisalign can be used to treat just the same as traditional braces. 

The summer is a perfect time to correct your smile. And with Invisalign, no one will know you are taking steps to have a radiant, beautiful smile this summer. Better yet, we offering $500 off any Invisalign treatment for patients who start their treatment plan in June. 

Schedule an Appointment

There is no reason to wait to take steps to improve your smile. When your smile looks great, you will feel more confident. Let us help you boost your confidence this summer.

If you have any questions about how to improve your smile this summer we are always here to help. Call us today and schedule your appointment for any of our procedures at 903-474-8206.

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